Sunday, April 12, 2009

What Scares Me

Things I am scared of change with time. I used to be scared of the dark and spiders. Now, I am at peace with the dark and catch and release the spiders for my own children. I used to be afraid of not having any friends, but now I have some very good friends. I once was scared of how my life would change when I had to move or had children. I have faced both and one child had surgery the day she was born. Still not all that scary.

What scares me now, today, this moment in time. In a catastrophic view of fear, my kids dying. That scares me. It does not scare me that they would be scared of dying but how would I react to life without them. I have lost so much. How would my body tolerate losing more? I'm scared to think of how hard it would be.

More scary to me on a day to day basis are children today. They play too many violent video games, they communicate only by texting and IMing. They say they are talking but I don't hear any words. They can make a family on the computer and manipulate the characters. They don't know how to ride bikes, design forts in trees or on the ground. Roller blade, ice skate and shoot hoops, gone. The peer pressure to do or not do is extreme. They send pictures and update profiles. The drugs that are available put to shame the options from 20 years ago. And mostly they are getting fat. Parents are to busy to make a meal and offer food from real sources, like carrots and apples, rather than chips from a cylinder. Some are impressed that you can "make" cookies. So, they can't swim, can't run, and can't jump rope. The creativity to sew, design and fix something seems to have vanished. The recieve education one day and the follow up test the next to track progress and record results. The logic and problem solving in our children's classrooms seem to be left to, who will close the door for the lock down drill.

That is scary.


floreta said...

yeah i think childhood is kind of sad nowadays. even when i was a kid in the 80s there was more bike riding and tree climbing.. fort building. etc. now you have to deal with sexting and online predators and a bunch of other stuff. and the schools.. the arts are dying which is such a shame. i really think it enhances intelligence to be able to have that outlet..

Tumblewords: said...

Childhood surely changed in a scary fashion. I keep thinking that if enough people 'get it', it can change back or at least somewhere in that vicinity. Good post!

Jay said...

Yes, many of the younger generation scares me, too - and the interesting thing is that they also scare my sons, now in their twenties. They worry, as I do, that the youngsters are rude, aggressive, selfish, and worst of all, don't seem to have a clue how to bring up their children.